What Causes Yeast In Dogs:
Yeast in dogs is caused by a yeast called Candida albicans. Candida albicans, is an opportunistic yeast, that normally inhabits the body and intestinal tract of our pets (and people as well). The job of Candida albicans in dogs is to recognize and destroy harmful bacteria. In a healthy dog's body, Candida albicans is controlled by a properly-functioning immune system and "friendly" bacteria (gut flora). However, if a dog's immune system is weakened, the number of friendly bacteria decreases and Candida albicans will shift from yeast form (a non-invasive, sugar-fermenting organism) to fungal form. (Invasive, mucosa damaging) - yeast overgrowth begins.
Candida albicans can hit all parts of the dog’s skin and mucous membranes, but humid places are the preferred area.
Symptoms Of Yeast:
• Dog has stinky skin that comes from the inside. Does your dog stink right after a bath?
• Dog has goopy, stinky ears. Do you clean and deodorize your dog's ears continually?
• Dog has irritated skin, paw licking and skin rashes. Are you up all night listening to your dog lick and dig?
• Dog has oily fur, flaky skin and brittle coat. Do you hesitate to pet your dog because of what ends up on your hands? Does your house smell like your "stale frito" dog?
Looking for recipes for homemade dog food?
GO TO: Carb Free Homemade Dog Food
SEE OUR: Homemade Dog Food
How Does Yeast In Dogs Develop?
Yeast is present in ALL dogs (and humans). A dog's immune system and healthy digestive tract (full of good bacteria) keeps yeast in check. Unfortunately, a dog needs "live" whole foods to keep a strong immune system and digestive tract; but many of these are destroyed in heat processing of food. Some treatments actually create an environment that is conducive to yeast multiplying. This scenario gives yeast the perfect environment to actually thrive!
Mojo is a 5 year old Virginia Walker/Coon Hound/Beagle mix. He has been plagued all his life. (We've had him since he was 6 weeks old.) With chewing and licking his feet. He has floppy ears and we constantly cleaned the black gunk out of them.
We changed his diet. We started feeding a meaty dog food and even a homemade dog food. The added nutrition in Dinovite has made Mojo pretty happy!
Mojo has that puppy look too. My wife had a stack of boxes in the kitchen and rather than walk around them as a "lazy hound" would he instead chose to jump over them! His peppy new attitude has led to his trim new figure too. We can also pet him now without having to wash our hands. Adding the Lavender scented shampoo made it actually pleasant to be in the same room with Mojo. My final thought is if you are going to have a dog you should plan to add Dinovite too.
Michael M.
Stephens City, VA
Yeast Help:
A meaty diet that includes proper nutrition to support immune and digestive health is critical to keeping Candida albicans contained in the digestive tract.
Diet: Many dog foods are loaded with corn, grains and fillers that actually feed the yeast in dogs! Corn or grain based treats, loaded with chemical preservatives and dyes don't help a dog's immune system either. Meaty dog foods with few/no carbs/starches or homemade dog foods without added carbs, can prevent feeding Candida albicans and aid the immune and digestive systems so they can fight this issue.
We also highly recommend our Homemade Dog Food, but made without the rice. Just add extra hard boiled eggs.
Treats: Choose meaty dog treats or simply use small pieces of meat (NOT processed meats like deli meats and hot dogs!). NubOnubs are great meaty treats for your dog!
Dog Shampoo: Some ingredients in shampoo can irritate the skin. Natural shampoo is a gentler choice. DogOsuds natural shampoos contain no harsh chemicals, dyes or perfumes, that can be irritating. DogOsuds will rinse evenly, leaving no soapy residue on your dog's skin.
GO TO: No Carb Homemade Diet for Dogs
OR CHECK OUT: Homemade Dog Food
4 Steps To A Happy Dog
- Eliminate or cut way back on the amount of carbohydrates in your dog's diet. Feed a high meat diet. Consider this recipe for Carb-free dog food
- Feed nutritious supplements that support immune and digestive tract function; like Dinovite for Dogs and LickOchops Omega Fatty Acid Supplement.
- Examine your pup's treats. Toss out anything loaded with grains, fillers, dyes, preservatives and artificial flavoring. Choose meaty treats like NubOnubs, no fillers, preservatives, carbs, just the goodness that is a real treat.
- Get rid of shampoos that contain harsh chemicals, perfumes and colorings. Choose a natural shampoo like DogOsuds Essential Oil Blend shampoo.
You can Email a Dinovite Coach or call 859-428-1000 for help! 9 A.M.- 10 P.M. EST