Week 1 GOAL: Introducing Dinovite Liquid for Dogs into your feeding routine

You may have received your Dinovite products by now and are wondering how and where to start. Here are a few easy steps to getting started with your pet's feeding routine.

Grab your box of Dinovite.  Take note of bright sheet of paper inside of the box.

This sheet is so very important. Dinovite Liquid is a whole food product, much like natural peanut butter, tiny solids suspended in Omega fatty acids (oils). Because of this, Dinovite Liquid is not loaded with gums and preservatives that you pet doesn't need. 

As with most natural and whole food products, some separation may occur, just like what you may see with natural peanut butter. When you first get your order, please be sure to knead and shake each of your Dinovite Liquids. This will help to reblend any of the particles that may have settled in shipping. Store the tube you will use at room temp on the counter, store the extra in the fridge. 

HEADS UP! The longer a tube of Dinovite sets without being kneaded, the harder the product will seem to be. The Dinovite Liquid is still good, but you're gonna need to use some elbow grease to knead the tubes. After a little kneading, it will be blended again and easy to dispense again. 

Got a question in serving or storing this product? Give us a buzz at 859-428-1000 or email us. 

Take your time introducing Dinovite Liquid to your pet's diet?

Dinovite contains:
Delicate Vitamins ~ for supported health
Enzymes ~ for supported digestion
Omega Fatty Acids ~ for supported skin and coat
Zinc ~ for supported skin and immune system
Live Direct Fed Microbials ~ for supported immune system
Trace Minerals ~ for supported proper body function

Much of this is probably very new to your pet's diet. By gradually introducing Dinovite to your pet, you are helping them adjust to all the new nutrition that is being added to their daily diet.

Reminder: Did you check your dog's food and treats? What were the ingredients? We recommend using a grain-free, meaty dog food along with our supplements. Make sure your pets food is not heavy in ingredetints like starches and carbs as well. Dinovite Liquid contains digestive enzymes. Digestive enzymes paired with a food that is heavy in carbs, grains or even starches can cause digestive upset. This digestive upset can look like loose stool, vomiting or even your dog being lethargic because of a tummy ache.

Get an unbiased rating of your dog's current food
HERE.  Make the switch to a meatier food now for a happy dog later!

Dinovite is an all natural whole food supplement that works along with your dog's food. Making sure their base food is as nutritious as possible is the first step! Meat protein is the most important component to your dog's food. Without it, your dog will be miserable! Dinovite contains vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes. These vitamins support a nutritious diet.

Why do dogs and cats itch, scratch, shed or stink like crazy? Why are pet owners turning to creams, shots, antibiotics, steroids, and lotions? Pet owners are tired of spending, spending and spending! Nothing seems to work! It can be discouraging when all you want is a happy dog and/or cat to enjoy.

Think about this: Dog and cat food is cooked at such a high temperature (typically 400 Fahrenheit or more) and intense pressure that many nutrients are destroyed/damaged. An animal eats this nutrient-depleted food his whole life. 
Dogs and cats fed in this manner tend to develop horrible physical issues.

Issues like:

Terrible itching
Sores and lesions
Crusty skin 
Bad odor
Excessive shedding

These can be signs of a nutritional deficiency disease. The body is literally HUNGRY for good nutrition. Vitamins, trace minerals, amino acids, live direct fed microbial &
Omega fatty acids are key building blocks to a healthy, thriving body. These are all very delicate diet elements. When added to a commercial diet prior to cooking and processing, they take a hard hit by being destroyed or damaged and our beloved pet's are left to pay the cost with nasty issues.

What can you do for your buddy?
Fill those nutritional gaps. Ensure that you are feeding your pet the best diet possible. Have you ever read the 1st five ingredients of your dog or cat food? Your pet's daily food is the foundation of their health.

To a balanced, meaty diet, add essential vitamins, trace minerals, amino acids, live direct fed microbial & Omega fatty acids.
Dinovite Liquid contains delicate nutrients and digestive enzymes. These delicate nutrients can help balance your animal's nutritional deficiency disease. 
Make the switch to a meatier food now for a happy dog later! Watch this clip to the right for some tips to Choosing the Best Dog Food:

Dinovite is an all natural whole food supplement that works along with your dog's food. Making sure their base food is as nutritious as possible is the first step! Meat protein is the most important component to your dog's food. Without it, your dog will be miserable! Dinovite contains vitamins, minerals, and digestive enzymes. These vitamins support a nutritious diet. 

Hot Topics, Education, Diet: What you want to know as a pet owner.

Dog Information:

Understanding yeast infections in dogs: Is your dog licking and biting his paws? Could it be yeast?

Fincky Dog? Is your dog turning up his nose? Dinovite is here to help!

Best Shampoo:
 What's so Special about DogOsuds?

Best Treats: Comparing Dog Treats - Snack happy!

Best Dog Food article: Making balanced diet choices simply.

Diet Information:

Dog Food Advisor: Get an unbiased review of your dog's food.

Homemade Dog Food:
 An easy recipe with a "how-to" video

Homemade Cat Food: Get started with 6 simple ingredients!

Basics of a Raw Diet: The 'in's and out's' of mixing your own dog food.

Raw Diet FAQ's:
 Got Questions? You're not alone! Here are some questions everyone asks before they get started!

Cat Information:

Best Cat Food: You are what you eat! Learn to choose a good cat food.

7 Signs Your Cat Needs a Supplement: Your cat can't come out and say how he feels, but his body sure does give us a clue to how he feels.